My name’s Ed, and I like to run and ski. Mostly on (or off) trails, and for long distances.
It all started in Ottawa or, as I like to call it, “The Motherland”. Ottawa, vilified as it is for being the seat of federal government, is a phenomenal place to cross-country ski or to run on trails. The Gatineau Park has hundreds of kilometers of groomed cross-country ski trails, and all of these, plus some more, are hiking (or running) trails come summer. It’s pretty easy to resist the lure of downhill at the mighty Camp Fortune, when you can do the same on skinny skis without ski patrol breathing down your neck.
A misspent youth of cross-country ski racing got me an appreciation for trails and long slow distance, a year on the junior national ski team, a trip to World University Games (my swan song), and more pairs of skis than you can shake a pole at. Having moved to Vancouver and given up ski racing as a serious thing – I’ve come to rediscover running. The options for trails here are close to limitless, with epic long runs like the Haines Valley loop in the backyard, and great trails like the Juan de Fuca just over on the island. More trail running has led me to more road running; I’ve always done trail races and 10ks, but had my first marathon in Victoria and first half in Whistler. Great races all, I’m starting to turn the competitive focus to running faster on road and trail."
Patricia - Lions Bay, BC
More to come
Ondrea - Whistler, BC
Hood to Coast
My name is Ondrea Ross. I’ve been living in Whistler for 15 years. When I moved I weighed 234lbs; I knew something had to change. I wasn’t heavy or fat as a kid; but the freshman 15, was my freshman 50! The weight kept coming on for the next 3 years. 10yrs ago on Jan 29, 2002 I decided to become the healthier me I used to be; I joined Weight Watchers to relearn how to eat, I started walking so I could run again, and between Jan 29-Aug 5, 2002 lost 87lbs; over the following 3 months I was down 106lbs and I’ve kept it off for these past 10 years.
Running to me was my new form of exercise and release; morning run, decompress, get my dogs out before going to the office. I enjoyed it, and never thought about competing in any events. Then a girlfriend of mine that I ran with twice a week said, hey why don’t you come do the Vancouver 1/2 Marathon with me? A new goal always welcome; 21.1kms that scared the bejezus out of me, but I thought what the heck, let’s do it. I finished in 1:39mins, I was the 29thwomen overall. 9 years ago and 1 half marathon has led to over 36 half marathons, 2 full marathons and countless 10k races; I love running!
I’m embarking on my 2nd year with The North Face Whistler Half Marathon on the marketing committee as well as a run leader with Christine’s Suter’s 12 week training program. To be asked to be a part of both of these teams is pretty humbling; but it feels pretty awesome too! To know that I can inspire, help and teach others, it’s just pretty darn cool! Well that’s how I got the runner in me; hope you enjoy reading my journey to this year’s The North Face Whistler Half Marathon.