Friday June 6th
1:00PM - Race Package Pick-Up and Runners Expo
9:00PM Whistler Olympic Plaza 4:00PM Seminar - Course Orientation with Race Directors Gary and Geoff Whistler Olympic Plaza at the course maps 5:00PM Guided Trail Run featuring a to-be-confirmed special guest runner Whistler Olympic Plaza, FREE 5:30PM- LIVE set with DJ FOXY MORON 7:30PM Whistler Olympic Plaza Main Stage 5:45PM Seminar - TBC Whistler Olympic Plaza, FREE 7:30PM Trails In Motion Film Festival Salomon Store, Whistler Village, Info and Tickets TBA 8:00PM Seminar - Course Orientation with Race Directors Gary and Geoff Whistler Olympic Plaza at the course maps Saturday June 7th7:10AM Half Marathon - WALKERS Start
Whistler Olympic Plaza 7:30AM 10K (Wave 1) Start Whistler Olympic Plaza 7:35AM 10K (Wave 2) Start Whistler Olympic Plaza 7:45AM Half Marathon (Wave 1) and 30K Start Whistler Olympic Plaza 7:50AM Half Marathon (Wave 2) Start Whistler Olympic Plaza 8:00AM 5K Start Whistler Olympic Plaza 8:15AM Athlete Post Race Food Available Whistler Olympic Plaza 9:15AM 5K / 10K Awards Ceremony Whistler Olympic Plaza, Main Stage 10:30AM Whistler Kids Run Start Whistler Olympic Plaza, Near Olympic Rings 10:45AM Half Marathon / 30K Awards Ceremony Whistler Olympic Plaza, Main Stage 11:00AM. Kids Performance with Ira Pettle Whistler Olympic Plaza, Main Stage 1:00PM Seminar - TBC Whistler Olympic Plaza, meet at the main stage, FREE 8:00PM CONCERT - Artist TBC Sunday June 8th9:00AM RecoveRun
Salomon Store - Whistler Village Stroll. FREE, more info and registration TBC 10:30AM Wellness Brunch, TBC TBC Additional Sunday events are in the works and to be confirmed. |