Q:When is Whistler Half Marathon, 30km, 10km and 5km? A: June 6 - June 8, 2025
Q: Where does the event start and finish? A: Both the start and finish lines are located at Whistler Olympic Plaza.
Q: Is this an annual event? A: Yes – it is held on the first Saturday of June each year
Q: How much are the registration fees? A: click here
Q: Is the event open to walkers? A: Yes, walkers are welcomed and encouraged, however there is not a separate race category with prizing for walkers
Q: What event swag is included in my registration fees A: We have super awesome limited edition WHM branded 25L duffle bag, and locally designed artistic WHM finisher medals, for all runners in the 5, 10, Half Marathon and 30km distances Q: Can I get a map of the race course? A: Yes, they are on each event specific page in the top navigation of this website.
Q: What will be happening at the athlete celebration and awards ceremony? A: The awards ceremony will be the official presentation of top finisher awards, and also the Beyond The Podium awards that focus on celebration of so many successes in the entire field. We will have a whole lot of wonderful door prizes for anyone to win. It will be a fun atmosphere filled with plenty of good memories.
Q: Will there be medals for finishers? A: Yes finishers in the Half Marathon , 30km, 10km, and 5km distances get finishers medals.
Q: Will there be awards for top finishers overall and also in each age category? A: Yes
Q: Are there other distances that people can run such as a 10km? A: Yes there is a 30K, 10km and 5km run
Q: Can I wear headphones to listen to music during the race? A: Although it is not prohibited, we discourage use of headphones as the course is NOT on closed roads for the entire duration and the use of headphones significantly increases risk of conflict with other road and trail users, and the use of headphones may negatively affect personal insurance coverage.
Q: Is the race course surface all paved? A: No - we offer a hybrid route that will include both paved and gravel surfaces, but primarily gravel for most distances.
Q: What is the minimum age I need to be to register? A: Minimum recommended age of participants is 16 years old for the half marathon distance, 19 years for the 30km distance, 14 years old for the 10km, and 10 years old for the 5km as of race day.
Q: Can I take my baby jogger/stroller in the race? A: No, due to increased risk and limited space, baby joggers and strollers are not permitted.
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