Nutrition Tips
Nutrition is critical to the success of your overall performance as a runner - put in good fuel and perform well, bad fuel - well we know what happens! You spend hours and hours dedicating your training time to form, technique, speed, distance, and cross training workouts - so why take away from that by not eating properly? And it isn't just about what to eat, but when to eat too!
PodcastsGet the lowdown on proper nutrition, hydration, and other tips and tricks dedicated to getting the most out of your training and race day efforts. Check out CLIFCast, our Podcast series that offers up info and insights on sports nutrition for runners.
Sample podcasts available for listening in iTunes (free): Carbo Loading Using a Food Log Antioxidants Organic Food and Drink Aid Stations ....and more |
Nutrition tips and recipes from our nutrition trainer, Melissa SpoonerMelissa Spooner is a 3 time Ironman world champion and nutritionist She shares nutrition tips and recipes in our monthly newsletters, check out some of our past issues here:
March 2013 January 2013 April 2012 February 2012 See all archived newsletters and nutrition tips RecipesCheck out the following recipes and more from Canadian Running magazine!
Smoothies for post run recovery Healthy Nuts Parsley Pesto Pasta Runners Granola Poached Dill Salmon Get more recipes |